Customer Testimonials

Mary Lappin 

"Great value for money and service...we have purchased over 10 years bathroom sink, shower base, sink taps, and bath/shower mixer taps, and i still love my bathroom mirror that lights on sensor."

"Outstanding service and Quality from CCT Bathrooms"

"We recently purchased our bathroom and bathroom flooring from Alison at CCT. The price was keen in comparison to what we had looked at in other places. Our bathroom furniture, fittings & flooring were of excellent quality and the service by Alison was second to none. One of our items was damaged when we opened the packaging (through no fault of CCT or ourselves) and it was exchanged without a problem. Thanks again Alison. We would HIGHLY recommend CCT Bathrooms."

Mich Crutchley 

"Bought my Bathroom suite from Alison at CCT Bathrooms, fantastic quality and service also great value, would highly recommend!!!"

"Fantastic quality and service!!!"

"Got everything here for my new bathroom. Great prices, great service. Would recommend 100%"

Showroom Opening Hours

By Appontment Only

Monday 10am - 4pm
Tuesday 10am- 4pm
Wednesday - Closed
Thursday 10am- 4pm
Friday 10am- 4pm